Quick Details
Ages 65+
$ 58
Ages 13-64
$ 62
Ages 3-12
$ 38
Ages 2 and Under
Please bring proper ID with you
$ 58
$ 5
Lunch With a View!
- 1.5 hour cruise
- Live narration – sacramento & american river history and landmarks
- Individually prepared lunch personally served at your private table
- Full service licensed bar – beverages available for purchase
Individually Prepared Picnic Luncheon
- Smoked Turkey and Cheddar on Fresh Baked Roll
- Fresh Fruit Salad
- Fresh Pasta Salad
- Home-Style Cookies
Old Sacramento Waterfront is a popular destination for locals and tourists. It may be crowded and parking a vehicle can be time-consuming. We recommend you allow a minimum of 30 minutes after you arrive in Old Sacramento to park your vehicle and locate the boat. Boarding will begin 30 minutes prior to the cruise. Recommended parking is the Tower garage, a multi floor facility operated by the City of Sacramento – 1289 Front Street (corner of Capital and Front St.). An alternative parking garage is located across from the Train Museum – 125 I Street.
The river city queen is located on the river front dock below the rio city café:
1110 front stThere are 3 access routes down to the dock:
1. A ramp between Joe’s Crab Shack and Rio City Café
2. A stairway located at the north end of Rio City Café
3. Recommended: An elevator and stairwell at the entranceTo the delta king hotelTHE VESSEL WILL LEAVE THE DOCK ON SCHEDULE. PLEASE DO NOT “MISS THE BOAT.” THERE IS NO REFUND.
We require a minimum of 10 days notice